Well, this is the big question, is Shared Web Hosting right for you? Knowing the advantages and what the shared hosting service is, you can probably figure out if its really the type of hosting you needed. If you really need a hosting which is affordable, easy to manage, and you want to have your own domain name, well, it is just right for you. If you think that your storage space is no longer enough, you can easily upgrade your hosting plan to meet your needs as they arise.

Selecting a good domain name for your website can be tricky. While sometimes the domain name you want may be taken already, you will see that just a small change in the domain name can give you a much better and SEO friendly name for your website. So, before you apply for a domain name, you will have to decide the best domain name for your website.
Affordable Web Hosting on a dedicated server: A very big web hosting company usually sells this type of affordable web hosting. This type of affordable web hosting is usually used by medium size websites. It also requires a lot of cost but the cost isn't as much as that of an Affordable Web Hosting strictly hosted on a personal computer. Maintenance is also of great importance but the affordable web hosting provider offering this service, must be able to provide assistance if need be.
So, you have a name, a plan and a place for your site to live. Finally, it is time to start designing! The choice here is to try to build yourself, "self-build", or find a professional to do the job for you. A half way house some use is to find a family member or friend who dabbles in web design and will do the job for as little as a case of beer. I would strongly advise against this route as the design process can be quite intense and is apt to place some strain on any personal relationship if significant redrafting is needed or the design is not all you had hoped for. If your first designer is not up to the project you can fire them and move on. Letting go of a family friend can present far more issues.
Write down a plan for your Shared Web Hosting UK. What will you website need to operate your business. Will you use graphics, banners, videos and what will you need your web host to provide.
Bandwidth (or data transfer as it is also known) relates to how many times your website is visited. Each file your page is constructed of all adds to the data transfer. If you have a page that is 2kb, with two pictures each of 199kb and you have a data transfer allowance of 1GB per month then you could have around 2600 visitors each month. That's about 87 visitors per day. The likelihood is you will have more than one page, and will want more than two pictures on some - if not all - pages. If you exceed your bandwidth then your provider will charge you a lot more for the excess, or will disable your website entirely. So the more bandwidth that a web host offers the better.
Today most web hosts are very efficient and your domain (if new) can be accessible almost immediately. The hosting company will send you an email with your access information and password. You can then begin to upload your files to your web site and be assured of affordable and dependable web hosting, which is what we are ultimately after.